Laurice Skin Care

Hormones & Aging Skin

Why does our skin age? Blame it on hormones.

Hormones are mostly to blame for skin changes as we age. Hormones are chemical messengers produced in organs such as the ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid glands, and all have an effect on other tissues.

As menopause occurs, estrogen is reduced and while it has a direct effect on thinning bones, it also creates significant changes in the skin. Women find:

-their skin becomes drier with increased wrinkles
– skin becomes more fragile, loses some of its elasticity, and is looser because the production of collagen is reduced
– older skin appears paler as the lack of estrogen reduces the number of blood vessels in the skin
– menopause also causes a reduction in the level of testosterone but not as significant a drop as in estrogen